Develop authentic, loving, nourishing connections with yourself and others!

Nourishing Relationships - Shift from tolerating unhealthy, draining relationships into creating & enjoying nourishing, energizing relationships.

Old Life: Feeling anxious & alone, sense of disconnect with self and others, isolated, disempowered, depressed, distracted, drained; feel malnourished, not gotten, unsupported. Out of balance with doing and being in relationships.

New Life: Feeling peaceful, appreciated, appreciative, deeply connected, nourished in mind, body, heart & spirit, energized, empowered, witnessed, seen, supported. Balance of being and doing.

  • Treat yourself as your most beloved instead of a bad friend; Grow in self-love through self-awareness, self-compassion and self-care.
  • Stop losing yourself in your relationships. Commit to loving yourself first with a self-marriage ceremony.
  • Know you’re loved lovable & worthy no matter what. Give yourself permission to be your True Self: Fully expressed, empowered and free.
  • Create authentic heart-centered relationships based on effective communication skills, grounded in: Allowing, Presence, Trust, Vulnerability and Appreciation.
  • Build bridges with those different from you based on: Culture, Generation, Identity, Politics, Religion, etc.

Why Turquoise?

Turquoise represents the flavor of Nourishing Relationships as it blends the heart chakra’s green energy of love, relating and healing with the throat chakra’s blue energy of authentic expression, trust and harmony. Nourishing relationships are heart-based and a sanctuary where we can fully be and express our true selves.

"Love does not claim possession, but gives freedom."

- Rabindranath Tagore

"Barbara has been instrumental in helping me to create what I want in my life…She also contributed to my recent decision to make significant changes in my 15-year partner relationship. These changes are already positively affecting my life, and, I believe, will continue to increase the quality of my life in the future."

- B.M., Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Massachusetts

The Flavors

Click on an image below to explore each unique aspect of the Divine Juicy Life Program.


Soul Practices

Healing Pain

Sensory Experiences

Nourishing Relationships

Creativity & Play