To Be Emotionally Vulnerable Means to Open Your Heart…
To embrace your whole self and bring that full self into your relationships - both with yourself and others. It means being willing to show all of who you are…
Read MoreTo Be Emotionally Vulnerable Means to Open Your Heart…
To embrace your whole self and bring that full self into your relationships - both with yourself and others. It means being willing to show all of who you are…
Read MoreWhat it Means to "Connect" and Why it's Important
The word “Connect” has many meanings; among them: “to have or establish a rapport”, “to place or establish in relationship” (Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary) and...
Read MoreWhat is Your Inner Voice and How do You Hear It?
Your Inner voice, also known as your inner guidance, inner GPS, voice of Spirit, or your Higher Self can come to you as a voice, a feeling or an image.
Read MoreA successful lawyer in his mid 40s goes on Prozac, confessing to me that he suffers from anxiety and depression. Yet he’s afraid to leave his job for fear of not being able to support his family's high priced lifestyle...
Read MoreWhat does it mean to be Creative?
How often have you heard someone say “I wish I was creative” or “I’m not at all creative” as they wistfully look at a beautiful painting or work of art someone else created?
Read MoreHave you ever noshed on a problem, chomping on it like a dog with a bone, no solution in sight, until you went for a hike or to the movies, then the solution appeared clearly like the answer in a Magic 8 ball?
What happened?
Read MoreIt's summer now. Are you playing?
“…When we play, we…celebrate holy uselessness. Like the calf frolicking in the meadow, we need no pretense or excuses. Work is productive; play, in its disinterestedness and self-forgetting, can be fruitful."
- Margaret Guenther
How intimately are you connected with grief? Is grief a distant acquaintance you’re tried to keep a wide berth from or have you allowed grief to enter your inner sanctum, season you and ripen you so that you can live even more fully, sourcing even some of your joy and vitality from grief’s flavor?
Read MoreOr are you stuck on the riverbank, caught in the debris of life?
How often are you experiencing synchronicities or serendipitous events? Synchronicities are meaningful coincidences, and Serendipitous events are those fortunate discoveries you make while searching for other things...
Read MoreIn 1999 I was living in a beautiful sunlit one-bedroom rent-controlled apartment in Japantown, San Francisco. I had also been struggling to make ends meet for the past couple of years, and one morning thought “If I only had more money, I’d be having a lot more fun living here!”
Read MoreA Divine Juicy Life is “A life fully and joyfully lived through savoring the flavors of: soul practices, transformative loss, sensory experiences, nourishing relationships and creative expression and play.”
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