Free Masterclass
7:00 PM19:00

Free Masterclass


Are you a woman seeking your true north and relief from grief with…

~ The loss of a loved one?
~ A painful break up or disconnect in a relationship?
~ Losing a lucrative job that gave you purpose?

If you are in soul pain from any of these life changes or trauma, and are ready to transform your life for the better, then this webinar is for you.

I know. I've been there. Sometimes I felt like a victim, stuck in the pain & blame with no way out. Other times I ignored the grief or pain, hoping it would just go away with time. Neither approach worked, and over time I just felt heavier, more drained and trapped.

Until I learned some POWERFUL KEYS to not only RELEASE THE GRIEF & PAIN but to also TURN THAT PAIN into PEACE and live in a way that was more EMPOWERED and FREEING than ever before.

I'm excited to share at TWO of THESE KEYS with you!

Are you ready for a NEW journey of transformation that will turn that grief & pain you've been feeling into peace & empowerment?



There are all kinds of life changes and loss that can bring up grief and pain - from sad to even happy changes in our lives - in relationships, jobs, where we live, our health, identity, or sense of faith or trust in ourselves, others or life itself. Many of these can feel traumatic and lead to sadness, shame, guilt, and anger.

If you feel stuck in any GRIEF or other PAINFUL FEELINGS, and want to experience PEACE and stand in your POWER again, in your RELATIONSHIPS, WORK, HEALTH or other life situations then come to this LIVE WEBINAR!

You will learn:

• 4 Myths and 2 Reasons that Keep Us Stuck in Grief & Pain
• What Grief & Pain is Costing YOU
• 2 Powerful Keys to Transform GRIEF & PAIN into PEACE & EMPOWERMENT
• The No. 1 Reason Some People Transform and Others Don’t

And more!

SIGN UP NOW to start this shift into greater peace & empowerment in your life right away.

Reserve your seat. SEATS ARE LIMITED.

***You will receive an email with a zoom link after your registration confirmation.

***If you stay until the end, you will receive a FREE GIFT and SPECIAL INVITATION!


Ticket Information:

Attendance by videoconference is free.

Webinar Access:

The webinar can be accessed using ZOOM video conference. Once you register, you will receive your ZOOM Link in the Eventbrite confirmation email. The webinar will be recorded and available after the live event.


This LIVE WEBINAR can be accessed anywhere in the world:

7:00 PM EST / 6:00 PM CST / 5:00 PM MST / 4:00 PM PST

To convert to YOUR TIME ZONE, Copy & Paste this into browser:


Email Barbara: or call: 1-828-989-1980.

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6:30 PM18:30

3 Ways to Increase Joy in Your Everyday Life

In our busy, fast-paced lives, we often don’t take time to stop, be present and find the joy right in front of us. In this 90 minute interactive talk, I’ll share how living a more heart and soul-centered life has helped me find more joy; and will share 3 ways we can each find more joy in our everyday lives.

Where: North Asheville Library, 1030 Merrimon Ave., Asheville, NC
When: Tuesday, February 13th from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.
Cost: No Charge
Please note: Food and drinks are not allowed inside the room (except for bottled water)

Hope to see you then!

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1:00 PM13:00

SQ21: The 21 Skills of Spiritual Intelligence

“SQ21: The Twenty-One Skills of Spiritual Intelligence” at Center for Spiritual Living, Asheville, NC

-An introduction to the 8-week class/book study: “SQ21: The Twenty-One Skills of Spiritual Intelligence” by Cindy Wigglesworth, starting February 20th, from 4:00-6:00 p.m. At Center for Spiritual Living, 2 Science of Mind Way, Asheville, NC

Do you want less drama and more peace and fulfillment in your life? Spiritual Intelligence – “the ability to behave with wisdom and compassion, while maintaining inner and outer peace, regardless of the situation” is a transformational tool that can help us bridge our knowledge of New Thought with higher consciousness behaviors in our day to day lives.

In her book “SQ21: The Twenty-One Skills of Spiritual Intelligence”, Cindy Wigglesworth poses three key questions: “Who are the spiritual or noble leaders most people admire?” (Most said Gandhi, the Dalai Lama, Buddha, Jesus, Mother Theresa, Nelson Mandela, etc.) “What are the traits that make these leaders stand out as exemplars of higher human potential?” and “How can we move from where we are today to being more like those spiritual leaders we admire?” In this two-hour workshop you will learn:

  • An overview of the 21 skills of Spiritual Intelligence along with their relevance and benefits
  • How the 4 key intelligences: Physical, Cognitive, Emotional and Spiritual support each other
  • How to act more often from your higher self vs. ego self through two interactive exercises
  • What you can expect in the SQ21 class/book study
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11:00 AM11:00

Free Talk: Got Joy?

Ramp up your experience of joy and aliveness now!

Joy is who we are and why we're here. Discover what may be sapping your joy and how to get it back; learn effective skills and practices for an ongoing happy ride on the J&A (joy and aliveness) train.

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3:00 PM15:00

Free Webinar: Spiritual Wisdom Series (8 of 8)

Spiritual Wisdom Applied to Personal & Global Events Webinar Series

Webinar Topic (8 of 8):

How do we take a painful event and turn it into something meaningful and positive for ourselves and others? (CONT.)

Enhance your Divine Juicy Life by joining us for a series of webinars, where you’ll learn spiritual wisdom and practices to help you access inner peace and calm, and be a more wise, loving, joyful presence for yourself and others in the midst of personal or global turmoil. 

I’m excited to be co-facilitating this webinar series with my colleague, Ralf Friedrich, who also helps his clients discover and grow their spirituality. Ralf is a spiritual leader in the EKHN (protestant church of Hessen and Nassau) and a member of a crisis intervention team. He has a solid background in psychology and professional coaching.

Live attendance is FREE and recorded archives may be downloaded for less than $11 (€9,90).

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3:00 PM15:00

Free Webinar: Spiritual Wisdom Series (7 of 8)

Spiritual Wisdom Applied to Personal & Global Events Webinar Series

Webinar Topic (7 of 8):

How do we take a painful event and turn it into something meaningful and positive for ourselves and others?

Enhance your Divine Juicy Life by joining us for a series of webinars, where you’ll learn spiritual wisdom and practices to help you access inner peace and calm, and be a more wise, loving, joyful presence for yourself and others in the midst of personal or global turmoil. 

I’m excited to be co-facilitating this webinar series with my colleague, Ralf Friedrich, who also helps his clients discover and grow their spirituality. Ralf is a spiritual leader in the EKHN (protestant church of Hessen and Nassau) and a member of a crisis intervention team. He has a solid background in psychology and professional coaching.

Live attendance is FREE and recorded archives may be downloaded for less than $11 (€9,90).

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3:00 PM15:00

Free Webinar: Spiritual Wisdom Series (6 of 8)

Spiritual Wisdom Applied to Personal & Global Events Webinar Series

Webinar Topic (6 of 8):

How do we hold a space of openness, acceptance and love for those who may have beliefs and views opposed to ours? How do we find the spiritual in the everyday; in our loved ones, and others? What are the signs of spirit? (CONT)

Enhance your Divine Juicy Life by joining us for a series of webinars, where you’ll learn spiritual wisdom and practices to help you access inner peace and calm, and be a more wise, loving, joyful presence for yourself and others in the midst of personal or global turmoil. 

I’m excited to be co-facilitating this webinar series with my colleague, Ralf Friedrich, who also helps his clients discover and grow their spirituality. Ralf is a spiritual leader in the EKHN (protestant church of Hessen and Nassau) and a member of a crisis intervention team. He has a solid background in psychology and professional coaching.

Live attendance is FREE and recorded archives may be downloaded for less than $11 (€9,90).

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3:00 PM15:00

Free Webinar: Spiritual Wisdom Series (5 of 8)

Spiritual Wisdom Applied to Personal & Global Events Webinar Series

Webinar Topic (5 of 8):

How do we hold a space of openness, acceptance and love for those who may have beliefs and views opposed to ours? How do we find the spiritual in the everyday; in our loved ones, and others? What are the signs of spirit?

Enhance your Divine Juicy Life by joining us for a series of webinars, where you’ll learn spiritual wisdom and practices to help you access inner peace and calm, and be a more wise, loving, joyful presence for yourself and others in the midst of personal or global turmoil. 

I’m excited to be co-facilitating this webinar series with my colleague, Ralf Friedrich, who also helps his clients discover and grow their spirituality. Ralf is a spiritual leader in the EKHN (protestant church of Hessen and Nassau) and a member of a crisis intervention team. He has a solid background in psychology and professional coaching.

Live attendance is FREE and recorded archives may be downloaded for less than $11 (€9,90).

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3:00 PM15:00

Free Webinar: Spiritual Wisdom Series (4 of 8)

Spiritual Wisdom Applied to Personal & Global Events Webinar Series

Webinar Topic (4 of 8):

How do we nurture our spirits and be a healing, loving presence for others without being pulled into a downward spiral of blame, judgment, and negativity? (CONT)

Enhance your Divine Juicy Life by joining us for a series of webinars, where you’ll learn spiritual wisdom and practices to help you access inner peace and calm, and be a more wise, loving, joyful presence for yourself and others in the midst of personal or global turmoil. 

I’m excited to be co-facilitating this webinar series with my colleague, Ralf Friedrich, who also helps his clients discover and grow their spirituality. Ralf is a spiritual leader in the EKHN (protestant church of Hessen and Nassau) and a member of a crisis intervention team. He has a solid background in psychology and professional coaching.

Live attendance is FREE and recorded archives may be downloaded for less than $11 (€9,90).

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2:00 PM14:00

Free Talk: Got Joy?

Ramp up your experience of joy and aliveness now!

Joy is who we are and why we're here. Discover what may be sapping your joy and how to get it back; learn effective skills and practices for an ongoing happy ride on the J&A (joy and aliveness) train.

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3:00 PM15:00

Free Webinar: Spiritual Wisdom Series (3 of 8)

Spiritual Wisdom Applied to Personal & Global Events Webinar Series

Webinar Topic (3 of 8):

How do we nurture our spirits and be a healing, loving presence for others without being pulled into a downward spiral of blame, judgment, and negativity?

Enhance your Divine Juicy Life by joining us for a series of webinars, where you’ll learn spiritual wisdom and practices to help you access inner peace and calm, and be a more wise, loving, joyful presence for yourself and others in the midst of personal or global turmoil. 

I’m excited to be co-facilitating this webinar series with my colleague, Ralf Friedrich, who also helps his clients discover and grow their spirituality. Ralf is a spiritual leader in the EKHN (protestant church of Hessen and Nassau) and a member of a crisis intervention team. He has a solid background in psychology and professional coaching.

Live attendance is FREE and recorded archives may be downloaded for less than $11 (€9,90).

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3:00 PM15:00

Free Webinar: Spiritual Wisdom Series (2 of 8)

Spiritual Wisdom Applied to Personal & Global Events Webinar Series

Webinar Topic (2 of 8):

How do we maintain our center, and stand in love, peace, and the light, in the midst of suffering, fighting and violence around the world? (CONT)

Enhance your Divine Juicy Life by joining us for a series of webinars, where you’ll learn spiritual wisdom and practices to help you access inner peace and calm, and be a more wise, loving, joyful presence for yourself and others in the midst of personal or global turmoil. 

I’m excited to be co-facilitating this webinar series with my colleague, Ralf Friedrich, who also helps his clients discover and grow their spirituality. Ralf is a spiritual leader in the EKHN (protestant church of Hessen and Nassau) and a member of a crisis intervention team. He has a solid background in psychology and professional coaching.

Live attendance is FREE and recorded archives may be downloaded for less than $11 (€9,90).

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3:00 PM15:00

Free Webinar: Spiritual Wisdom Series (1 of 8)

Spiritual Wisdom Applied to Personal & Global Events Webinar Series

Webinar Topic (1 of 8):

How do we maintain our center, and stand in love, peace, and the light, in the midst of suffering, fighting and violence around the world?

Enhance your Divine Juicy Life by joining us for a series of webinars, where you’ll learn spiritual wisdom and practices to help you access inner peace and calm, and be a more wise, loving, joyful presence for yourself and others in the midst of personal or global turmoil. 

I’m excited to be co-facilitating this webinar series with my colleague, Ralf Friedrich, who also helps his clients discover and grow their spirituality. Ralf is a spiritual leader in the EKHN (protestant church of Hessen and Nassau) and a member of a crisis intervention team. He has a solid background in psychology and professional coaching.

Live attendance is FREE and recorded archives may be downloaded for less than $11 (€9,90).

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